
Healthy Dinner Four Should Not To Do

Dinner beauty who always regard as the enemy , his own gain weight attributed to it. It depends on who is busy lifesaver day nutrition depends on it . These two extreme ideas are unacceptable. Gain weight reasons and thousands of genes , lifestyle , exercise, diet has an impact .
bag factory
Nutrition relies on a balanced three meals a day to absorb , only one meal a meal effect , if not expect the body like a sponge , to absorb many nutrients it much , then the body will only let you down , you give it more than a can withstand the amount of these nutrients will not work , and sometimes trouble, make you sick . Dinner should not be late The best time to arrange dinner at around 18:00 , try not to exceed 20 o'clock . In general, it is best not to eat after 8:00 something , you can right amount of water. Eat dinner late, shortly after going to bed , potentially increasing the risk of urinary tract stones. Dinner should not eat As we all know , too full to eat dinner will gain weight , but few people know is too full to eat dinner, but it also reduces the quality of our sleep . The so-called " Stomach , lying restless ", if dinner eating too much food , will inevitably cause gastrointestinal burden, intense work continues its information to the brain , it will make us insomnia, long-term satiation dinner easily lead to diseases such as neurasthenia . Dinner bag manufacturer appropriate amount Qi Bafen , to feel hungry , do not overeat . Dinner should not be dirty Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dinner too rich intrinsically linked . Chicken, duck , fish, meat, eggs , though they are nutritious goodies , but not suitable to eat dinner , they will make the human body cholesterol levels increased , over time you will naturally induce atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Rich in dietary fiber , vitamins and carbohydrates are the best choice for dinner , whole grains , vegetables, dinner should be the protagonist . Yongnaoguodu day , you can choose light digestible fish food to help improve memory . Dinner should not be sweet Sweets bring us pleasure , will bring us fat and energy , coupled with a reduction after dinner, exercise , fat is more likely to accumulate in the body . Want to maintain a healthy slim body , it is , removed from the bag factory dessert dinner starting today .

