
What Should Be Done In The Morning Feeling Better?

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1 . The alarm clock is set to the sounds of nature . In ancient times, people have no alarm clock, but heard the cock birds will know to get up. Now many people are afraid to get up , used to be the world's best alarm clock is set to the music from that noisy alarm suddenly woke up feeling often brings feelings of irritability . Music can relax and feel good , like the sound of water , the gentle sounds of birds , etc., can make people feel, so that the tension can be eased. So you can set the alarm first sounds of nature so that they wake up from a state of relaxation . 2 full-length mirror placed in front of a confident posture. Specifically singled out 10 minutes every morning, time to dress themselves , to try different colors and mix in front of the mirror and then put a confident posture, to greet the new day . Bristol American psychologist , said people are confident in the mirror , with a good mood. First of all, standing straight before the mirror, smiling to myself , to see their positive and optimistic image. Then , think a few fun things to experience good feelings and spiritual dialogue. Then, three or four deep breaths , let this feeling pass through the body , and more assured of their own ability and determination. 3 eat hot breakfast . A nutritious breakfast should include four types of foods: grains ( bread , bread , corn, etc. ) ; meat and eggs ( protein-rich foods ) ; milk ( calcium ) ; vegetables and fruits . If these foods for breakfast every day can , in order to ensure nutritional balance. In addition, every morning should be left for 15-20 minutes at the table before dinner time , do not eat while walking , or buy some biscuits and other snacks as soon as possible, so easy to malnutrition. 4 . Watching TV for a while . Eat breakfast or drink in the gap , it may pick up the day's newspaper , browse news , or watch TV , it allows you to get the latest news , harvested like to read content and gain a good mood. If you need a long subway and other public transport , you can take a newspaper , while maintaining a bag manufacturer balanced state read, add some talk of the day's work . 5 to get up early to do chores . Get up early to do housework ? It sounds like some strange. Researcher Joel Huber said , those who get up at 7 am and fitness, doing chores or work , often more prominent than the people who work nights and have depression, psychological stress and obesity increases the chances are lower . " The early people healthier and happier , and healthier physical indicators ." Too late to pull out those long period of time for people who do morning exercises , doing housework not only make the home more tidy , but also play the role of physical exercise . To the balcony poured water the flowers , sweep the floor , etc. are all good choices . Through the above approach not only allows you to eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning rush , but also help you in a day's work , the study has a good mood. Not because it 's in the morning , irritability , resulting in bag factory negative emotions, thus affecting the work .

