
Spring Health Diet Principles

In Spring , the first most important thing is to start from the diet , but the diet is different according to the individual's constitution and choose , for we are not in favor of human health tonic lot of spring mainly light-based diet , Eat spicy , dry food ; frail people can amount to using ginseng, velvet , cordyceps and other supplements . We look in Spring diet should pay attention to the details.
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First,adequate intake of inorganic salts and vitamins : Spring eating foods rich in vitamin C to our body with anti- viral effect , these foods are cabbage , tomatoes , rape and other vegetables , as well as lemons , apples and other fresh fruit ; eating foods rich in vitamin A can protect suck suck on respiratory tract epithelial cells and enhanced features, such as amaranth ; eating foods rich in vitamin E can improve immunity , reduce the incidence of the disease, these foods such as sesame, cauliflower and so on. Second, choose to eat light food : Spring is the most prosperous period of anger , because we are missing the whole winter sports in the winter is a good tonic season , many people are eating a relatively up , so to pay special attention to the spring regimen Liver, Liver . Anger Wang words from the surface will affect the spleen, the spleen and stomach will cause illness , so the temperature of the spring diet suitable product selectivity , Eat sour foods ; diet should use light and delicious taste , Eat greasy and spicy food . Third, hepatitis patients can not eat the food : Egg yolk, anger patients fear most is heavier burden on the liver , and egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, these substances go through the liver metabolism, thus affecting liver function recovery. Fourth, by Gan less acid : Spring catharsis in liver function are at a most productive season, so we have to eat some food liver inhibit hair growth , such as some sour food , it has taken the role of income convergence , the inhibition of liver has a very good role . But if the liver yin crowd , because like Eat sour foods, excessive liver prevention . Taste mild spring should eat foods such as dates, not only to the spleen and stomach , but also the effect of Yin and blood , as well as yam also bag manufacturer share the spring diet regimen , it has the role of spleen qi, kidney Gujing . Five more porridge : You can eat some of Qi and blood , spleen and stomach , easily absorbed health porridge , usually eaten lunch and dinner . Also to be noted is that many of my friends at work do not eat breakfast habits that are harmful to health , and health eating breakfast porridge is not only a health effect , you can also make you refreshed. Such as chives rice porridge , rice porridge liver . Six , eat more vegetables : Spring is the high fat and skin stomatitis season, these are caused due to insufficient intake of trace elements diseases caused by malnutrition . Because in the spring, to eat some regular season , pollution-free vegetables , in-season vegetables Eat as much as possible , as well as those aspects of eating vegetables , the general should adopt fried or salad , so you can make the nutritional content of vegetables is not destroyed. Seven , eat more fruits : Fruit is not only rich with high nutritional value of plants, we can also enhance the body 's resistance. Spring is part of the rainy season , the weather is fickle , prone to flu season, eat some fruit , can help us keep fit, improve bag factory immunity. Such as: bananas , strawberries , apples, cherries , etc.

