
blood Donors Make People More Healthy

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Amount of blood, can promote the body's metabolism, enhance immunity and disease resistance, but also stimulates the body to bone marrow hematopoietic function, so that it always maintain a youthful period of hematopoietic status, receive longevity effect, and can prevent arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular vascular disease. Blood donation can prevent cardiovascular disease Experts on repeated blood group, 26 cases, 22 cases of acute cerebral infarction plot of the mean blood rheology were compared, the results showed that: Repeated blood group whole blood viscosity, hematocrit, fibrinogen, erythrocyte electrophoresis, significantly lower than normal, and especially the most obvious hematocrit, suggesting that repeated blood group blood viscosity decreased; while patients with cerebral infarction group high above parameters were normal, suggesting that there is a high viscosity of blood in patients with cerebral infarction disease. Thus, repeated a certain amount of blood will decrease blood viscosity, the prevention of cardiovascular disease has a positive meaning. Can reduce blood lipids People because of reduced physical activity and living standards improve, more and more body fat accumulation. At a high level of long-term blood lipids, commonly known as "thick blood." "Thick blood," the result is a layer of fat attached to the body's blood vessel walls, leading to atherosclerosis, blood vessel elasticity, the formation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. The regular donation to feed the body part of the viscous blood, and filled through the normal water volume in the blood naturally balanced release, along with lipids will decrease, thus reducing bag factory the risk of atherosclerosis.

