
Summer Solstice Health Tips

Summer came, winter diet naturally can not press "Menu" to, or is likely to cause some nutrient deficiencies and imbalances, thereby affecting the normal immune regulation, neural regulation and physiological functions, cause-related diseases. How to do this?
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1. A balanced nutritional intake Body sweating, loss of water and minerals big, but human activity increases, the demand for energy over the winter for many, it should be noted dietary intake of two equilibrium: First, a balanced variety of nutrients. For most people, if not a partial eclipse, not picky eaters, pay attention to good diet of meat and vegetables, coarse and fine mix, protein, vitamin B, E, C, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals are fully balanced intake, generally able to avoid nutritional imbalance. In particular, can eat more fruits and vegetables in season, vitamins and minerals intake would be better. Meanwhile, the summer diet should be light, Eat fatty. Second, into and out of balance. Summer diet tips, the same is into and out of the principle of balancing the number of calories consumed by the body, you need to add many calories, lack of heat will reduce the body functions, but excessive intake will cause fat accumulation can lead to obesity, bad for your health. Similarly, many summer activities in the human body, physiology strong, consumption of protein, vitamins, minerals increased accordingly, which need to know what ingredients they lack, targeted dietary supplement and nutritional additives. 2. Eat more alkaline foods The body's normal state, the body's PH value should be maintained at between 7.3 to 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. If the body's PH value longer than 7.3, it will form acidic, the body is in healthy condition, its performance for the body discomfort, easy fatigue, lack of energy, lack of physical strength, decreased immunity and so on. If such conditions are not promptly corrected, the human body health will be seriously damaged, causing cardiovascular disease and cancer, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and other serious diseases. Need to remind the reader that in the summer the body metabolism, the body produces acidic waste than the winter season, therefore the need for special attention to one thing: eat more alkaline foods to ensure the body's normal alkaline. Here does not refer to its own basic food pH is alkaline, but in the human body catabolism after alkaline, such as fruits containing acid, acidic, but after entering the body alkaline decomposition, this is what we need alkaline foods. 3. The right to timely pay High summer temperatures, strong secretion of human sweat, water will naturally drain is relatively large, it is necessary to replenish moisture. But not enough time to add water light, still need to pay attention to the "right" word. Experts point out that meet the health standards of mineral water is a good source of water in summer, in addition to the loss of tissue cells replenish moisture, it also can add some to the human body with the sweat from the loss of mineral salts, can be described as dual. 4. Sports venues to be suitable The best choice for summer sports in the early morning or evening when the weather is cool, the venue should choose waterside in rivers and lakes, parks, gardens and other fresh air, qualified people can go to the forest, coastal areas to recuperate, vacation. Exercise programs to walking, jogging, tai chi, broadcast gymnastics as well, not to do too much strenuous activity, if the radical movement can lead to sweating, sweat vent too much, not only hurt the yin, yang loss also advised. In the course of exercise, excessive sweating, may be appropriate to drink light salt water or brine mung bean soup, must drink plenty of cold water, but can not punch immediately with cold water, shower, otherwise it will cause dampness arthralgia, yellow sweat bag factory variety of diseases.

