
Lemon unknown five functions

Mention of lemon, many people immediately think, rich in vitamin C, lemon has very good whitening effect. However, beauty and health effect of lemon contains much more than that. Now, there are a number of benefits for many women care about weight loss.
bag factory
1.Appetite suppressants Grapefruit has the appetite suppressing effect is well known, in fact, lemon is the same, because the rich satisfy the appetite of pectin, can see the same effect. When hungry, try to eat some lemon. In addition, the usual salad, drinks, try a slice of lemon. Pectin is a lemon and lemon peel, which also contains a part of pectin. 2.Fat suppression increased Lemon peel contains polyphenols, accumulation on body weight gain and fat, in addition has inhibiting effect on the occurrence of insulin resistance. But must bag manufacturer pay attention, if only the. But must pay attention, if only the lemon peel do not eat, eat salad sauce, etc., please be sure to lemon peel is also included. 3.Improve immunity Mention of lemon, the first thought or vitamin C. According to a German study suggests, this can increase the antibody activity and resistance to infection. 4.Promote digestion and absorption Lemon is rich in flavanols, helps digestion of food through the pipeline. 5.The prevention of various diseases Lemon is rich in antioxidant components. Therefore, to prevent lipid abnormalities, atherosclerosis n., cancer, so as to bag factory convey a positive energy.

