
Harmful often drink carbonated beverages

Carbonated drinks is our daily life often say that the soft drinks, like coke, Sprite fruit flavored soda, then drink carbonated drinks? The following is the harm of carbonated drinks.
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1.Soda drink more tooth decay easily stones The doctor pointed out, a small amount of drinking carbonated drinks no problem, however, a large number of drinking easily lead to corrosion of the teeth. Carbonated drinks in phosphoric acid, carbonic acid will react with the enamel, causing tooth enamel decalcification, being dissolved minerals, tooth surface thin, fragile, broken down, then the defect of teeth, gingival exposure. Once the cold, heat, acid, sweet, stimulation, the teeth will cause severe sore. Medicine called "tooth erosion". Therefore, to minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks, or switch to Straw drinking, the key is to hold good degrees, moderate drinking, too far, health is the fundamental. 2.Eat meat while drinking carbonated drinks lead to edge of osteoporosis Research shows that, while the meat while drinking carbonated drinks may lead to the loss of calcium in the body. Because meat is very low in calcium, but also contains a lot of "into the acidic elements", the main elements of phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine, they will let the blood tends to acidic, so the body has to use calcium food or bag manufacturer bone to neutralize the acid forming elements, resulting in the loss of calcium, reduce calcium absorption. Eat meat, excessive drinking carbonated drinks, carbonated drinks high phosphorus in calcium phosphorus ratio may change, human body, increase calcium loss. So, there is the living habits of the wicked should be an early change. 3.Excessive drinking carbonated drinks can damage the kidneys Love to drink, especially carbonated beverages, and it is regarded as the best friend too many to count to quench their thirst, if coupled with the don't love sports, long time development as a small community, so dangerous, follow the. A study found, carbonated drinks, no sugar or not, if you drink a day two bottle or two above, the risk of chronic bag factory kidney disease will increase two times.

