
What would be more nutritious breakfast?

A qualified nutrition breakfast, should comply with the "food" four elements (grain, energy, protein, fruit and vegetable essence, Soybean Milk or milk of water and calcium) requirements, pay attention to the "protein nutrition" food of appropriate collocation, such as eggs, beans or a small amount of meat, poultry or fish were reasonable collocation. At the same time, because the delicate food more in line with the morning the physiological state of the human body needs.
Therefore, the high quality protein for breakfast, adequate intake reached 21 grams of protein for breakfast, may consider from eggs, beans, nutrition and health food or rich in soy protein isolate were added in. Breakfast provides the energy should be accounted for the total energy of the day 25%~30%. Adult breakfast food, cereal 100 grams, can choose Steamed buns, bean, cereal, bread, noodles, porridge; the amount of protein food such as meat, eggs, milk, soy products and so on; another 100 grams of vegetables and 100 grams of fruit. Different ages, energy and the amount of food the labor intensity of the individual needs of different, should be adjusted according to the specific situation. Breakfast is the day not easily converted into fat in a meal, so must intake of staple food. Breakfast by the supply of heat accounted for 30%, this basically is to bag manufacturer rely on food to supply. The lack of carbohydrate food, may cause malnutrition. To eat some starchy food, cereals and absorption can quickly break down into glucose, hypoglycemia corrected after sleep. But the cereal fast digestion, 2-3 hours after will have a sense of hunger, therefore, even a moderate amount taken into some protein and fat rich foods, such as egg, dried meat floss, bean products and other food. Finally, the morning is best to eat fruit, because fruit as the source of vitamin A, C rich, and contain vitamin B group, fiber, and mineral, not only has the appetite stimulating effect, also can promote intestinal peristalsis and maintain body acid-base balance, eating the fruit can not only beauty, but also let us bag factory looking one's face glowing with health, beautiful and touching.

