
Aerobic exercise caution and specification

Aerobic exercise has been deeply loved by all, but this campaign and other campaign has its own considerations and specification, detailed notes of what?
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1.Sports preheating before each time the movement, need a warm-up process preparation activities, mobile joint ligament, stretch limbs, waist and back muscles. Then starting from the low intensity exercise, exercise state gradually into the appropriate intensity. The warm-up, generally refers to the use of low intensity aerobic exercise to keep his body gradually entering blissful circumstances, the temperature gradually increased, heart rate, breathing uniform faster. Blood circulation is more rapid, so that oxygen and nutrients will be transported to the heart and muscles, ready for your motion, a warm-up activities to reach the purpose of an important symbol of the body is slightly start sweating. The warm-up time 5 ~ 10 minutes. There are a lot of people in order to save time, do not warm up will directly enter the high intensity aerobic training, if so, the cardiovascular system and the lungs also did not enter the state, the temperature is relatively low, muscle flexibility is not good, it is easy to cause injury. 2.Close to but not exceeding the "target rate" in general, numerical 170- age target heart rate. If you are 60 years old, the target rate is 170-60=110 (Ci /fen). When you are exercising, can count pulse, heart rate control in 110 times / min, the exercise intensity is appropriate, of course, this is a healthy sport, the infirm not listed here. If the movement of the heart rate is only 70 to 80 beats per minute, is far from the target heart rate difference, it has not reached the standard of aerobic exercise. 3.Self feeling is an important index to control the amount of exercise and intensity, including mild shortness of breath, feeling a little heart, body heat, pale reddish, rivulets of sweat the small, which shows that moderate exercise; if obviously flustered, shortness of breath, chest fever, dizziness, sweating, terribly fatigued, indicated that exercise overload. If you exercise remained in the "keep a straight face the heart does not jump" degree, heart rate from the "target rate" is too far, then you exercise not possible to enhance physical fitness and endurance, also need to add some weight. 4.After the onset of symptoms after the movement of discomfort, the exercise is to measure whether the appropriate scale. Most people in the exercise, can the bag manufacturer whole body discomfort, fatigue, muscle soreness and feeling, after the break will soon disappear, this is a normal phenomenon. If the symptoms, feel terribly fatigued, muscle pain, and one or two days can disappear, this shows that intermediate metabolites in cells and blood circulation in the accumulation of too much. This is the consequence of anaerobic exercise, you next campaign may be necessary to reduce. 5.Relax and have a role in the warm-up, movement, accelerate blood circulation, blood volume also increased, especially of the limbs part. If you stop immediately, the blood will accumulate in the lower limbs and heart caused excess burden. Will seriously affect the blood supply to the brain, and even the emergence of vertigo and dizziness. So the sports aim is achieved. There should be 5 ~ 10 minutes of relaxation, is also gradually reduce bag factory exercise intensity, slowly return to the quiet state.

