
How do people often stay up to arrange diet?

People who stay up late is mostly doing paper work or often operate the computer people, in the dim light of night time easy to make eye fatigue, decreased visual acuity.
bag factory
Vitamin A and vitamin B have a certain effect on the prevention of visual impairment, vitamin A may modulate retinal photosensitive material -- visual purple synthesis, can improve the night workers to dim light adaptation, prevent visual fatigue. So to eat carrots, leeks, eels and other foods rich in vitamin A, and vitamin B lean meat, fish, liver and other animal foods. In addition, should also be appropriate to add heat, eat some fruit, vegetables and protein foods such as meat, eggs and to supplement the physical exertion, but never meat to eat. Dr. Li Changping think, eat some peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and other nuts like food, they are rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium and iron and other minerals and vegetable oils, while the cholesterol is very low, the restoration of physical special effects. In addition, should also be appropriate to add heat, eat some fruit, vegetables and protein foods such as meat, eggs and to supplement the physical exertion, but never meat to eat. Dr. Li Changping think, eat some peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and other nuts like food, they are rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium and iron and other minerals and bag factory vegetable oils, while the cholesterol is very low, the restoration of physical special effects.

