
How are we going to science to lose weight?

Every bubble is in fact a potential shares, said even lose weight can stick to it, what is not able to do?

The key still need to perserve, can be very good to deal with, to insist, good otherwise, even if the edges and corners, it is difficult to grow the beauty of the appearance of the. So, from this inspirational story, we still need to learn some related to weight loss reason, we still need to go to its dregs from. You know, in order to science to lose weight, we still need to make adjustments in the two aspects, on the one hand, we need to control the intake of calories, on the other hand, we still need to increase the amount of exercise, increasing the consumption of calories, such word, can let the body of excess fat from the.

You know, weight loss is actually a persevere in the project, we should persist in time, we lose weight on the road, in fact there is not much shortcuts, we must do good planning, first of all, we should formulate fertilizer reduction targets a science, cannot too ideal, must be determined to achieve this goal it won't affect our health, then, we need to refine the step by step. In order to achieve this goal, we need to give yourself more daily remind, for example we can write a diary of losing weight related to every day, record the related experience.

Of course, even water can grow fat, we still need to be adjusted in the diet, need to eat more fruits and vegetables to adjust, will also increase bag factory the amount of exercise, so that they can keep their weight down.


Several methods for improving the skin allergy

Many women due to the contact allergens and so prone to skin allergies, this is undoubtedly the's life and work will be affected. So what good can improve skin allergy?

1.Strengthen skin moisturizing
When the air temperature rise, our skin oil secretion will be followed by increased, spring air temperatures rise, the skin is dry and rough state from the winter wake up, at this time, the facial skin begins to secrete oil, water evaporation will be very fast, so very easy to cause the skin water oil imbalance. Therefore, spring girls should pay attention to the skin moisture replenishment, can effectively alleviate the dry skin condition, reduce the sensitivity of the skin.
Girls can choose fresh toner and moisturizing spray to use, injection of fresh water and nutrients to the skin surface, in addition, can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, from the inside out for the skin and body to add water, so as to improve the allergic phenomenon.

2.Avoid the use of skin care products contain irritating substances
Because of the spring season, the skin is in a highly sensitive state, so, we on the choice of skin care products to the relative importance of, first, skincare ingredients to choose gentle refreshing type, avoid using contain irritating ingredients skin care products, grease quantity is less, the composition of natural products are more bag manufacturer suitable for sensitive the skin of the girls use. Avoid using contain irritating ingredients skin care products, can effectively reduce the sensitivity of skin.

3.Deep clean the skin
Sensitive skin is very fragile, if not deep clean, then, the skin is very easy to accumulate dust, germs, and thus more sensitive to it. Therefore, girls to do thoroughly clean skin, can try cleaning instrument, the dust and dirt of the face thoroughly cleaned out, the effective prevention of sensitive skin.

4.Do a comprehensive skin sunscreen work
Sensitive skin Meimei especially sun do the work, to resist ultraviolet radiation caused by skin allergy, at the same time, also want to carefully choose sunscreen, some sunscreen contains easy to make the skin produce chemicals allergy, girls should beware oh! To daub mild sunscreen out, go out to Chater sunshade, wearing sunglasses, do a comprehensive skin sunscreen work.

5.Hot compress with a towel, relieve skin allergies
If the girls really accidentally appeared skin allergy, inflammation, swelling of the phenomenon, then, first of all, don't go to scratch the skin, also do not contain hormone ointment daub, can first with hot towel in the face, and massage, to relieve the bag factory skin allergies, note the towel can not be overheated.


Women often stay up hazard

Stay up all night for modern women, this seems to have become commonplace, even don't need to work overtime, but also has a very rich night life. Lassitude in after staying up late,, and skin problems have emerged, which will cause the body metabolism rate dropped significantly, but this more things.

What do women what are the disadvantages of staying up late?
1.More and more bad skin condition
All said the woman must depend on the bed to raise, a lot of women if lost enough sleep, the skin condition will very poor. The best time to maintenance of the skin is 10 pm to 2 pm, if this time no good sleep, so the body's endocrine and nervous system will be destroyed, the skin will become increasingly worse, the woman stay up first is the harm to the skin harm.

2.Poor vision
Many people know the long-term stay up all night will appear "panda eyes", but that doesn't just appear black rim of the eye is so simple, eyes are tired of the state, the eyes do not get sufficient rest, vision will become weak, appeared dry and bag manufacturer so on, are also prone to dry eye.
The problem of too tired eyes easily induced retinitis, blurred vision, in order to solve these problems. So we will have to reduce the chance of staying up.

3.Low immunity
Stay up late, a lot of people feel depressed, very prone to fatigue situation busy this is because the body organs did not get proper rest, such for a long time, the body's immune system will decline. If itself is low immunity, this time many diseases may enter.

4.Memory is getting worse
Sympathetic with rest time is at night, in a state of excitement during the day, if you stay up late cases, sympathetic nerve is in a state of nervous excitement. So in the day time, sympathetic nerve is very difficult in the excited state, it will bag factory appear memory drops, the attention is not good, headache and so on.


From the food intake of collagen

With the improvement of life quality, people of their own pursuit of more and more high, and the pursuit of beauty has become the people especially the most concern for our female friends, keep skin firm, has the function of delaying senility of collagen products thus emerge as the times require. Now on the market of the collagen advertisement blow on the face and come, because of the growing awareness of its importance, so businesses also see the opportunity, on a variety of collagen products began to flood. The content of these products really rich in collagen, collagen is the we can make nothing of it. Rather than buy a large amount of skin care products in shopping malls, it seems from the usual dietary intake of collagen is more reliable, and this is the so-called more to eat more.

Collagen protein rich food first of course belongs to the skin of an animal, with people often said a few words Chisha fill Han, animal skin is rich in collagen, especially pigskin, collagen content adequacy, beauty effect is best, become our daily access to collagen preferred. So the increase in intake of pigskin, skin, skin and other animal bag manufacturer skins in the daily diet, soy braised pig's trotters, cold skin these dishes can often appear in our daily diet, appear at the same time, such as chickens and ducks food on the table and try to connect leather belt meat, insist on a period of time will give you beat all surprise. Eat at ease, eat happy, what is there against it?

In addition to edible animal skins, we can also eat some tomatoes, carrots, oranges and other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, because vitamin C took part in the synthesis of collagen, can increase the content of collagen in human body. So eat more vegetables is absolutely a good but no harm things. Of course, using the method Vegetable & Fruit lot, raw, juice, cooking, soup is a good choice. In addition, we can also use cucumber, tomato Vegetable & Fruit do facial care, the ten one than the paste of the mask is more cost-effective.

Through the above introduction, food raw materials we save to buy skin care products and nutritional costs enough to buy a few months, cook, can enjoy the delicious food, but also have the elasticity of skin, but also without any side effects. The multiple things, how can we ignore? So a healthy life every day, to ensure the bag factory skin supple and start from the diet.


Nutritionists recommend a healthy diet schedule

Scientific diet plan should consider not only what to eat, but also consider in what time to eat. A registered dietitian Marci Anderson of Cambridge city USA Massachusetts says, if you want to reach the waking the next morning, daytime, evening excited sleepy target, we must learn to how to choose the food.

7 goals: full. Eat breakfast at 1 hours after waking, help to improve the The new supersedes the old. level and raise the level of health. The research results show American University of Missouri, breakfast should pay attention to carbohydrate, fat and protein balance, for example in oat porridge Riga some peanuts and berries, can also eat whole wheat bread, milk and fruit.

Goal 9: improve the work attention. Drink a cup of Coffee in this period of time can enhance the degree of excitement, increasing attention. If you want to drink caffeine content in the lower Green Tea beverage, is a good choice, it contains antioxidants can promote brain cells, improve memory, enhance learning ability. In addition, chewing gum can also reach a certain stimulating effect.

Purpose: 11 ~12 ease hunger. Anderson suggested, this can be the first drink a cup of low-fat yogurt, which contains 15~20 grams can let a person produce satiety protein, then choose a proper lunch. In addition to the staple food and bag manufacturer vegetables collocation, it is recommended to eat spinach, zucchini, which contain vitamin B6 neurotransmitter, help the brain to generate stable mood to ease the pressure; magnesium rich green leafy vegetables can relax blood vessels and muscle.

Goal 3 p.m.: anti physical decline. Advised to eat a little nuts (such as almonds, walnuts or pecans) or made with whole grain energy bar. The results of research published in the Journal of clinical nutrition "America" on the display, right amount edible nuts can also let the human body weight slightly reduced.

Objective 5 pm ~7: provide exercise energy, but to prevent obesity. If you work to exercise, eat some digestible carbohydrate best in 5 or so, fast for the body to add energy, such as a cup of yogurt and berries. If the normal dinner, supper energy intake should be controlled at dinner, can add a bit of dry pepper or pepper, can increase the heat of combustion. The research results show that the heat American at Purdue University, capsaicin produces acceleration The new supersedes the old. and appetite control.

In late 10 goals: to help sleep. If you feel difficult to fall asleep, first ask yourself before going to bed if there is hunger, if any, advised to drink a cup of soy milk at bedtime. It contains carbohydrates can promote the formation of tryptophan, the amino acids and help sleep. In addition, soy milk contains calcium is relaxing bag factory effect on blood vessels, so can play a sedative effect of extra.