
Nine time should drink plenty of water

One day, nine times the most of the water added.

After getting up in the morning. The loss of body water about 450 ml per night, get up in the morning after the water in a physiological state. Before the not eating, is the best white boiling water for a cup of cool drink fasting, so that the blood can rapidly improve dilution, nightly dehydration. If conditions permit, you can add a slice of fresh lemon, can play a clear Supian, eliminate toxin effect.

Before going to bed at night. Before going to bed can not drink too much water, otherwise the frequent night will affect sleep, but can not drink water, should be two to sleep lightly. Because when people sleep, the body of water loss, resulting in reduced blood in the water, blood viscosity high. Before going to sleep properly drink, can alleviate the phenomenon, thus reducing the risk of occurrence of cerebral thrombosis. In addition, the elderly bedtime is best at the bedside standing a cup of water, thirsty to drink a few mouthfuls of immediately.

Before leaving the office after work. Workers often ignore the drinking water for 8 hours and busy work, suggest that these people develop the habit of drinking a few slobber work before. Because, the long-term lack of drinking water, bladder and kidney will be damaged, easily lead to backache, affects the working efficiency. At this point do not need too much to drink a cup, the amount is enough, otherwise easily on the way to work "urgency".

After eating salty. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, reduce the secretion of saliva, oral mucosal edema. If you eat salty, drink plenty of water is the first thing to do, it is best to cool white boiling water or lemonade, try not to bag manufacturer drink sugary drinks or yogurt, sugar, it will increase the thirst. Light Soybean Milk is more than 90% moisture, and is rich in potassium, can promote sodium excretion, is also a good choice.

Half an hour after a meal. After dinner, do not immediately drink, otherwise it will dilute, dilute the saliva and gastric juice, the protease activity decreased, affecting digestion and absorption. The proposed general people after half an hour of drinking 200 ml. When you drink to sip, or frequent, drinking lots of water to heartburn. Easy heartburn people should after 2 to 3 hours, every 20 - 30 minutes to drink 3 to 4 small mouth.

Take a shower after. Bath, many people often feel thirsty, end up a cup of water in one gulp. However, a hot bath after the body is heated, the expansion of blood vessels, blood flow increased, the heart beats faster than usual, drink too fast to be detrimental to health, especially in the elderly should be small, slow drink a cup of warm water.

Constipation. Lack of water is one of the causes of constipation. People with constipation can be an appropriate drink some water, must drink gulps, swallowing faster, so the water can reach the intestines as soon as possible, stimulate peristalsis, promoting defecation. In the add water at the same time, can also eat leeks, celery, apples and other fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber, alleviate the better effect of constipation.

When have a fever. People in the high fever, sweating will form the heat, so that the consumption of large amounts of water, serious can cause dehydration. Therefore, have a fever during the timely replenishment is very important. Can a few times to drink warm boiling water or warm glucose water, about every half hour to drink a. Drink a little rice, mung bean soup is a good choice.

Feeling upset. Epinephrine is often referred to as "pain hormone", when a person suffering irritability, adrenaline will rise, it is like other body toxins can be excreted with the water. Therefore, in the feelings of irritability, can pour a cup of warm boiling water, sit on the seat in a leisurely manner to bag factory finish it, the mood will be so relaxed many.

