
Often eat sweet food is bad for your baby

Found just in time, with children, most children like to eat sweets, because it tastes good, but the children do not know, eat sweets to them would cause bad influence, so parents need to check for them.

First, is not good for teeth, tooth decay.
The baby to eat sweets are most likely to lead to disease is tooth decay. Because sweets contain sucrose, will make the bacteria multiply rapidly, a bacterial infection, it is easy to soften, tooth decalcification, and finally the formation of greenfly hole, tooth decay. So, Xiaobian recommended, when the baby infant period, keep the baby to drink sweet drinks, drink water not more sugar; at the same time, eat sweets or desserts and other processed foods; before and after meals to gargle, to keep the mouth clean health, especially occasionally eaten sweets port, be sure to brush your teeth gargle; go to the hospital to do regular check, found a tooth problem should be timely medical treatment.

Second, eat dessert will affect the baby's taste.
The baby in the baby period, the taste is very sensitive, if eat too much sweet food, the taste will change, become dependent on sweets, after feeding the baby to eat light food baby will lose interest. This is a lot of reasons not to eat Steamed buns baby to eat the cake after used. So, Xiaobian recommended here, to let the children taste from light to start, try to eat some natural foods, such as vegetables, green vegetables egg porridge soup like, don't early let the baby eat some sweet or salty food, let the baby to adapt slowly taste rich food.

Third, sweet food can cause obesity.
Sweets contain a lot of sugar, sweet to eat too much will cause the baby body fat, even cause some diseases such as diabetes mellitus. In addition, sweet baby can consume vitamin, make the stomach acid increased, causing bag manufacturer indigestion or various intestinal diseases. If the baby because sweets and form the habit of picky eaters, will cause the body malnutrition. So Xiaobian think, baby in before and after all don't give the baby to eat sweets, especially the cake, but in between the two meals to amount to eat some apples, oranges and other fruits.

Fourth, make the baby to reduce resistance, susceptible to various skin diseases.
USA Will Cornel university studies have pointed out, the normal work of sweets will affect the function of leukocytes and the vascular wall, often eat the sweets of the people, the body resistance drops, easy to appear all sorts of suffer from excessive internal heat, inflammation and allergic phenomenon. Therefore, the diet structure of baby must be diversified, balanced diet can improve the baby's body resistance.

Fifth, it will affect your baby's sleep quality.
Sweets contain a lot of sugar, once in the blood, central nervous will stimulate the baby, and then make the baby irritability and anxiety. And if you eat sweets before sleeping, will affect the baby's sleep quality, but also to the intelligence can impact. So, do not eat sweets within two hours of bedtime, if the baby must eat, you can drink a cup of milk without sugar.

Sixth, affect the baby's visual development.
If the baby too much sugar will increase the amount of glucose in the blood in the body, the eye lens will bulge deformation, numerical increased diopter, make the eye myopia. At the same time, sugar will lead to calcium loss to the baby body, the outer wall of the eyeball sclera elasticity decreased, formation of myopia. So, to the baby with normal vision, to the good care of the eyes, and don't let the baby eat too much bag factory sweet food, and to eat more vitamin B food, such as carrots etc..

