
How to improve your sleep?

Old dream sleep is the three aspects at work!
Change one, sleep environment to dream
Changes in the environment may also cause sleep more than a dream. For example, a move to a new home, or live in insomnia early may have a period of time, this is a normal phenomenon, because of a sudden change in familiar with the sleep environment, need time to adapt to, after the adaptation of this phenomenon will disappear after a period of.

Two, psychological pressure to dream
Now the social competition is becoming increasingly fierce, many people feel be placed in jeopardy, afraid of waking up tomorrow is already a people without jobs, heavy psychological pressure to destroy the law of life a person with normal, dream will be not at all surprising, learn to release their own, release the pressure to improve this phenomenon.

Three, the pain to dream
When someone is ill, physiological and psychological line of defense is very weak, vulnerable to adverse external stimuli, causing much dream. At this time we should first note is nursed back to health, only good body to resist adverse external stimuli, the second is the mentality of the nursed back to health, do not give yourself too much psychological pressure.

How to improve the quality of sleep
1.Don't break your sleep habits, every night to go to bed on time.
2.Before going to bed not nervous mental labor, but also to avoid strenuous exercise or physical labor, replace sb. should be walking in the open air.
3.Before going to bed to comb the hair, can make the scalp fever, dredge the scalp blood, play a role in protection of the scalp, and promote sleep.
4.Before going to bed to form the habit of feet with warm water, which can promote the lower limb blood circulation, is conducive to bag manufacturer sleep soon. When possible, it is best to soak in a hot tub.
5.Underwear should be clean, relaxed, conditional word, can wear baggy pajamas, bedding should be kept clean, often air basks in, to keep dry and comfortable.
6.Don't give yourself pressure.
Many people in society on their families have varying degrees of dissatisfaction. Some people like to live under pressure, meet the challenge under pressure, think it is a kind of comfortable, meet. But not always have good luck, will be more pressure to the pressure suffocative themselves, in the course of time will damage their physical and mental health.
7.Learn to vent.
A person's physical and mental health includes two aspects. If you think the psychological pressure is too large, you can go to see the psychological doctor, seek relief policy. When encountered unhappy things, can exercise, read novels, listen to music, watch movies, watch TV, confiding to friends and other ways to vent their unpleasant emotions, you can also find the appropriate occasions shout or cry.
8.Treat illness, attitude to be correct
No matter what disease, will and perseverance are the most important, since ancient times, patients can recover, the premise must have full confidence, coupled with a reasonable treatment of the doctor, as the saying goes, rather long poor is not poor, long life, visible to the person's disease big blow, the heart relax, open-minded, the disease is one of the best counter. Therefore, we should have a positive and bag factory optimistic attitude towards the physical pain, adjust their own state of mind, relax, active treatment.

