
How to take care of their skin?

The coming of spring, during this period, the climate is dry, the skin will appear serious water shortage phenomenon, your skin is healthy? But some people skin blackening, some dry skin, some people skin without lustre. Your skin smooth and tender, white and bright enough?

Want to maintain good skin, we first have to start by learning the wash your face, put a piece of used in hot water over the towel in the face with the palm of the hand press, towel, the towel can and intimate contact with skin, let the towel temperature can be transferred to the face, face towel absorb heat, can promote the blood circulation. Bad. Next, put Cleansing Cream in hand wiping the face with fingertips circle way, from lower to upper layers of clean face, in Cleansing Cream can add a little salt, but when add salt gently with your fingers in the face of circle must, in order to prevent the decomposition of salt will not scratch the skin.

Then rinse off the face of the Cleansing Cream. In a clean face is completed, the toner on the palm of the hand, with the beat method to wipe evenly on the face, it is best to evenly on the face up to 50, so that we can better promote the blood circulation, also can make the skin more smooth and compact white. In the use bag manufacturer of toner, to use the essence, it is in order to face plenty of nutrition agent.

Finally, you can wipe sunscreen, but the best is a relatively high degree of moisture. This is all to face some external care, of course, the inherent maintenance is also very important, mainly is the need for more face to add plenty of moisture and vitamins. This fellow will inevitably reminds us of the sub Jiapin cucumber skin care. Because the cucumber contains rich vitamin, so eat cucumber can play the effect of toxins from the body, and cucumber and promote human The new supersedes the old. role. Speaking of cucumber, skin care and a big important secret, is the best to use home-made mask to the skin.

Because we usually use facial mask may contain chemicals, negative effect on skin. Homemade mask such as the cucumber cut into thin slices with egg white, or with honey, egg white can play to the role of dead skin, or with lemon and cucumber, the cucumber juice and lemon juice according to the proportion of into the water, transferred into a mask deposited on the face and so on a series of homemade bag factory mask are the skin care jiapin.

