
How to ensure the quality of sleep?

Sleep is an active process in the human body, can restore the spirit and relieving fatigue. Adequate sleep, balanced diet and appropriate exercise is three health standards recognized by the international community. To arouse the awareness of the importance of sleep, 2001, international mental health and Neural Science Foundation sponsored the global sleep and health program launched a global activity, the focus of this activity is to draw attention to the importance of sleep and sleep quality.

Sleep well, what harm
1.Slow metabolism, increase appetite. The body has a hormone called leptin (leptin), and leptin is to maintain the stature not suddenly increase the important elements of weight. When sleep is not good, the body of the leptin begins to fall inside the body, at this time will be issued a very eat something message will give you a lot of diet.
If so eat, plus leptin reduced, excess body fat, energy can not be consumed, they accumulate in the body caused by obesity.
2.Easy to aging. Growth hormone was sleeping will secrete more, it has the ability to make cell regeneration, can make your skin young and elastic, but compared to men, women have to sleep longer, more deep to get growth hormone.
So when you sleep quality is not HERSHEY'S, skin cells can not be updated, complexion will be looked old and dull, and the older growth hormone secretion will be less and less, if often sleep bad, the whole people will look more aging.
3.Mood worse. If often insomnia or sleep of poor quality, not only inattention, distraction, because cannot resolve accumulated in the physical and psychological pressure, let you easily appear angry, agitation and other emotional reaction.
This kind of emotional reaction, finally may trigger more spiritual diseases, for example: depression, manic depression, memory bag manufacturer loss, and even become a time bomb of the turbulent society.
4.Easily lead to heart disease. Long periods of sleep deprivation can stimulate the sympathetic nervous over exuberant, make the heartbeat leads to increased blood pressure, and then causes heart disease and hypertension, in general, lack of sleep, the risk of a heart attack is 3 times the general population, hypertension is 2 times the general population.
Asleep, will carry on the cell tissue repair effect of the human body, if long-term insomnia, can cause immune dysfunction, endocrine imbalance, resistance drops, the health condition is getting worse and worse.
5.The constitution, into diabetes. When you don't sleep well and the influence of hormones in the body operation, food intake of glucose cannot fully into the cells, resulting in increased concentrations of glucose in the blood, long-term cumulative body is easily converted to diabetes physique.
Once the formation of diabetic physique, excess fat, energy is easy to accumulate in the abdomen, causing abdominal obesity.

How to ensure the quality of sleep?
1.Before going to bed not nervous mental labor, but also to avoid strenuous exercise or physical labor, should be replaced in a walk outdoors.
2.Before going to bed to comb the hair, can make the scalp fever, dredge the scalp blood, play a role in protection of the scalp, and promote sleep.
3.Before going to bed to form the habit of feet with warm water, which can promote the lower limb blood circulation, is conducive to sleep soon. When possible, it is best to soak in a hot tub.
4.Underwear should be clean, relaxed, conditional word, can wear baggy pajamas, bedding should be kept clean, often air basks in, to keep dry and comfortable.
5.Don't give yourself pressure, a lot of people to the society on their families have varying degrees of dissatisfaction. Some people like to live under pressure, meet the challenge under pressure, think it is a kind of comfortable, meet. But not always have good luck, will be more pressure to the pressure suffocative themselves, in the course of time will damage their physical and mental health.
6.Learn to vent, a person's physical and mental health includes two aspects. If you think the psychological pressure is too large, you can go to see the psychological doctor, seek relief policy. When encountered unhappy things, can through sports, reading novels, listening to music, watching movies, watching TV, confiding to friends and other ways to vent their unpleasant emotions, you can also find bag factory the appropriate occasions shout or cry.

