
Several methods for improving the skin allergy

Many women due to the contact allergens and so prone to skin allergies, this is undoubtedly the's life and work will be affected. So what good can improve skin allergy?

1.Strengthen skin moisturizing
When the air temperature rise, our skin oil secretion will be followed by increased, spring air temperatures rise, the skin is dry and rough state from the winter wake up, at this time, the facial skin begins to secrete oil, water evaporation will be very fast, so very easy to cause the skin water oil imbalance. Therefore, spring girls should pay attention to the skin moisture replenishment, can effectively alleviate the dry skin condition, reduce the sensitivity of the skin.
Girls can choose fresh toner and moisturizing spray to use, injection of fresh water and nutrients to the skin surface, in addition, can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, from the inside out for the skin and body to add water, so as to improve the allergic phenomenon.

2.Avoid the use of skin care products contain irritating substances
Because of the spring season, the skin is in a highly sensitive state, so, we on the choice of skin care products to the relative importance of, first, skincare ingredients to choose gentle refreshing type, avoid using contain irritating ingredients skin care products, grease quantity is less, the composition of natural products are more bag manufacturer suitable for sensitive the skin of the girls use. Avoid using contain irritating ingredients skin care products, can effectively reduce the sensitivity of skin.

3.Deep clean the skin
Sensitive skin is very fragile, if not deep clean, then, the skin is very easy to accumulate dust, germs, and thus more sensitive to it. Therefore, girls to do thoroughly clean skin, can try cleaning instrument, the dust and dirt of the face thoroughly cleaned out, the effective prevention of sensitive skin.

4.Do a comprehensive skin sunscreen work
Sensitive skin Meimei especially sun do the work, to resist ultraviolet radiation caused by skin allergy, at the same time, also want to carefully choose sunscreen, some sunscreen contains easy to make the skin produce chemicals allergy, girls should beware oh! To daub mild sunscreen out, go out to Chater sunshade, wearing sunglasses, do a comprehensive skin sunscreen work.

5.Hot compress with a towel, relieve skin allergies
If the girls really accidentally appeared skin allergy, inflammation, swelling of the phenomenon, then, first of all, don't go to scratch the skin, also do not contain hormone ointment daub, can first with hot towel in the face, and massage, to relieve the bag factory skin allergies, note the towel can not be overheated.

