
Modern Men's Fitness dietary factors

bag factory
1.The consumption of a certain amount of chromium Chromium helps to promote cholesterol metabolism , enhance the body 's endurance , in addition, under certain physical conditions which can also promote the formation of muscle and avoid excess fat. Middle-aged man one day need at least 50 micrograms of chromium, while a large amount of those activities you need 100 men a day - 200 micrograms of chromium. So it is very difficult to get a dose of chromium from food , it is recommended that men taking the drug preparations containing chromium ( such as complex vitamins and minerals ) or drinking beer. 2.Eat foods rich in plant fiber The main function of plant fibers is to accelerate intestinal peristalsis field , reduce cholesterol and certain bile salts , reducing blood glucose and fatty acid , with antihypertensive effect , and can also eliminate certain organic substances ulcers , avoid the risk of colorectal cancer . People who eat foods rich in plant fiber have the feeling of fullness , and the accumulation of excess wood to worry about calories, so it's still slimming effect. Recommends eating 18-20 grams of plant fiber Men meal every time . The main foods rich in plant fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat bread , cabbage , potatoes , carrots , apples, lettuce , cauliflower , celery and so on. 3.Eating foods containing magnesium Magnesium helps to regulate the human heart, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease. Improve men 's fertility. Suggested men should eat the bag factory two bowls of breakfast oatmeal with milk and a banana . More magnesium soy foods , baked potatoes , walnuts , oatmeal , pasta, leafy vegetables and seafood. 4.Eat more foods containing vitamin E The main role of vitamin E are: lower cholesterol , clear body waste , prevention day barrier. Almond and peanuts contain vitamin E, but very difficult to get an adequate amount of vitamin E from these foods . Therefore recommended that men take 10 micrograms of vitamin E daily Pharmacy . 5.The consumption of foods containing zinc Zinc can guarantee a man's sexual performance, impotence treatment , in addition, it also helps to improve the body's resistance to disease. Recommended that men taking 15 micrograms of zinc , the dose is for exercise great man , under normal circumstances ; Men taking only two-thirds of zinc dose on it. However , the daily amount must not exceed 15 micrograms, because excess body will affect the role of other minerals. Lean meat contains zinc 75 micrograms. In addition, turkey products, soybeans are high zinc content . 6.The amount of drinking water must Human cells can not be any lack of water , 60% of the adult body - 65 % water , liver, brain , skin, containing 70 % water , 45% aqueous bones , blood aqueous 80% . If men want to keep fit and muscular , you must drink enough water , because the water in the muscle than fat in the water more than three times . Medium build man must drink eight glasses bag factory of water a day, and exercise great man is a greater demand for water .

