
What are beneficial brain food?

If on the weight of the brain in the body can be described as " insignificant ", but it has to consume a daily intake of 20% of the body 's energy. A healthy diet helps the brain can play to enhance memory , improve mood , improve brain reaction speed effect.
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Focus Pumpkin , walnuts . Generation and transmission of nerve fibers from the brain needs to play a role . These nerve fibers wrapped fibers need a myelin sheath to build . Deep-sea fish , omega- 3 fatty acids with repair and maintenance of efficacy of these myelin contained in walnuts and pumpkin , eat can help you better focus . Get rid of a bad mood Soybeans, almonds. There is a substance in the brain called dopamine, which dominate happiness . Although much fat and sugar -containing foods will stimulate the secretion of dopamine in the brain , but the big play with the big drop , the effect is difficult to sustain . So it is best to eat some slow digestion , protein-rich foods. Another dopamine " steady " is the way to get supplements phenylalanine, which is more common in sugar beets , soybeans, almonds , eggs and cereals . Serotonin can make people satisfied , calm feeling. An important the bag factory component manufacture serotonin is tryptophan , found in eggs and meat . Improve alertness Coffee. Sleepy , sleepy people inevitably refreshing cup of coffee , but refreshing drink much coffee , but very demanding. Cup of espresso will improve efficiency, another drink would be counterproductive , interference think. Enhance memory Cauliflower , broccoli . Between the brain and memory capacity depends on the establishment of a number of new brain cells "channel ." The higher the degree of brain cell excitability , the more established "channel ." There is a brain chemical called acetylcholine in the brain cells responsible for the excitement . It is common in cabbage , broccoli and cauliflower . Because of the need to participate in the synthesis of acetylcholine, choline , so eggs, liver and bag factory legumes should also eat more .

