
Use Of Color To Be In A Happy Mood

Color and life, the color can be insight into a person's heart, use the power of color can give people good luck, and even change a person's life.
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Different color can let a person produce illusion When it comes to the color of the magic, we first to answer the first two questions. Why to see a blue car, to be especially careful? Because of the different color even at the same location, bring people visual feel is different. The cool colors like blue, always give a person a relatively far feeling, if followed by a blue car is more likely to crash, and so bright colors like red, will always attract people's attention, as if in sight. The benefits of using color Life, if the use of good color, not only make people feel good, it is good for one's health. Physical pain, many have a look green. Green has double effects of sedation and analgesia on our nervous system, can ease the tension of mental and bodily pain. Until now bag manufacturer represents the color green or medicine, the park trees, can ease pain of our body. People who can't sleep bedroom multi-purpose white and pale blue. These two kinds of color have a hypnotic effect. Blue can lower blood pressure, eliminate the tension, thus plays the role of stabilization. At the same time, avoid the layout is too bright colors in the bedroom, for example, make people nervous deep red. Want to lose weight, the tableware color gray. Dark colors like grey can let a person feel loss of appetite, so if you want to lose weight through diet people may wish to change your tableware into gray. The first day of work, don't wear blue clothes. Blue will only make yourself more not the spirit. Best not to wear white clothes. White people bag factory tend to be "cold" impression, increase tension, best can wear colorful clothes.

