
Different nuts different nutritional

Although nuts are nutritious snacks in the championship, but different varieties of nuts, its nutritional composition varies widely. Let's take a look at the advantages of different nuts, respectively, in which it?
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Large almond supplement dietary fiber. Dietary fiber helps control blood glucose and lipid, and helps bowel purge, can prevent a variety of cancers. According to "China Food Composition Table", the highest dietary fiber content in nuts is the big almond (flat peach), followed by the pine nuts. These two nuts or high-fat foods, easy to diarrhea, people need to be especially careful. Pistachios complement vitamin B1. Studies have shown that vitamin B1 is closely related with the function of the nervous system, vitamin B1 concentration is low, the risk of depression is high. Hazelnuts and pistachios especially vitamin B1 content, depressed people can use as a snack between meals. Pistachios also contain more lutein and zeaxanthin, good eye health, computer owners may wish to eat. Walnut vitamin supplements E. Vitamin E has strong free radical scavenging capacity, can prevent chronic diseases and premature aging of the body. Walnut vitamin E content is much higher than other nuts, female beauty, health groups may often eat. Hazelnut calcium and magnesium. Calcium constitute the body of the main component of bones and teeth, once the lack of easy osteoporosis. Data show that high calcium fried hazelnut 815 mg / 100 g, more suitable for the growing children, pregnant women and the elderly. In addition, the magnesium content in fried hazelnut is also a leader, studies have shown that adequate magnesium can slow the occurrence probability of diabetic complications, therefore, hazelnut is the perfect snack diabetes. Peanut highest price. Press on the unit price, regardless of protein, minerals, or vitamin content, peanuts are high. But those who are allergic to peanuts need to be careful. Nuts a day is best to eat a little, and ate nuts, dishes will put less oil. Do not eat limited types of a certain kind, should be bag factory replaced frequently between different types of food.

