
Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains have decompression

To get out emotional trough, in addition to psychological counseling, some food at this time will also help you get rid of negative emotions. German nutritionist said that eating chocolate can not make people feel happy, this is because chocolate releases serotonin in the brain's sake. The formation of serotonin from tryptophan, the body can not produce itself, can only rely on the food intake from the outside. Tryptophan content of chocolate itself is not high, but it contains a lot of sugar, can not lead to the generation of insulin. Insulin ensure that sugar into the cells left behind tryptophan into the brain, are synthesized into serotonin. When serotonin keys will remain in the brain of human emotions have a positive impact. In addition to chocolate, the banana pudding and other sweets can also achieve this effect, to help people get rid of frustration.
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Millet and other grains rich in essential amino acids, and other high quality protein, a variety of minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin A, niacin, niacin, thiamine, carotene. Many nutritionists B vitamins as decompression agent, it can regulate endocrine, emotional balance, relaxation. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide vitamins for the body is the best source. Bananas contain a feature called alkaloids (ALKALOID) of the material, you can not boost morale and confidence. And bananas are tryptophan and vitamin B6 super sources, which can not help the brain to manufacture serotonin, reduce depression situation. B vitamins can be neurotrophic, endocrine regulation, to achieve emotional balance, relaxation effect. In the morning, eating breakfast can have on decompression. Breakfast can eat bananas contain high fiber cereals (corn flakes, cereals, etc.). Banana is rich in vitamin B6, is the body's metabolism of nutrients needed for fast operation. Additionally, you can cup of orange juice, but drink some water or fruit juice, vegetable juice. Especially under stressful conditions in the human body needs vitamin C, so glass of orange juice can add a lot of nutrients. In addition, one day drink at least 8 cups of water, avoiding water body, increase the body burden; Do not drink too much soda containing sugar or caffeine, to avoid increasing physical stress. If you do not want to eat dessert, changed to whole wheat bread or macaroni instead. When the body feels stress, the body will produce a stress hormone, which causes the brain to secrete a substance called NPY, people want to eat sweet foods. Preferably whole wheat bread to satisfy the desire to eat sweets because they wholegrain bag factory carbohydrates will promote brain to manufacture serotonin, relieve stress.

