
Four Mistakes to recognize eating fruit

Summer has always been rich in fruits of the season, they will not mention those icing on the cake of Taiwan fruit, single people are familiar with local fruits, it has been dazzling, dazzling. But again delicious fruit, nor can you eat, eat the wrong fruit inattentive, will make people uncomfortable.
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Fruit is good, but can not eat without restraint. Now we have to look at people when eating fruits What are common misconceptions. 1.Eat fruits vegetables can be replaced Many people believe that the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables, almost, you can eat fruit instead of eating vegetables, this view is wrong. Although fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but the fruit of the minerals and trace elements is far better than vegetables rich in vitamin B and A levels are relatively low, if the fully fruit instead vegetables, it may cause more than a few vitamins and micronutrient deficiencies. In addition, a natural dietary fiber in vegetables is very rich, and mostly insoluble fiber, beneficial intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids, reducing cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and incidence of colorectal cancer, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease prevention is also favorable. 2.Eat fruits immediately after a meal to help digestion Now people have the habit of eating out to a meal of fruit, that helps digestion, in fact, this approach is unscientific. Immediately after a meal to eat fruit, the fruit of the organic acids and minerals in food combining, but will affect the digestion and absorption of food. Fruit sugars will further increase the burden of gastrointestinal and pancreas, and fruit pectin, cellulose and other substances can absorb moisture, increasing meal bloating and discomfort. Therefore, the correct time to eat fruit should be one hour before meals or two hours after a meal, this is more conducive to the absorption and utilization of nutrients. 3.Eat fruits to lose weight Eating fruit diet is not a good idea. Fruit sugar content of more, far more than the heat effect of vegetables, eat the same amount of fruits and vegetables, fruits and more easily lead to obesity overweight. And because the fruit does not provide a sufficient amount of essential body nutrients, long-term in order to make meals of fruit, it will only make the body nutritional intake, allowing healthy compromised. Scientific approach is selective consumption of fruits, such as the use of less sugar kiwi, lemon, citrus fruits, it is best to eat before a meal, and not too much time consumption. 4.Diabetic patients can not eat fruit Because most of the sugar content of fruit more, many diabetics regarded as Diet fruit, not "overstepped" is really no need. Fruits contain a lot of vitamins, inorganic salts, on the health of diabetic patients is beneficial. Under normal circumstances, people with diabetes control blood sugar after eating fruit is without exclusion, the key is how to eat: containing glucose more grapes, banana, lychee, jujube, hawthorn, etc. should not eat while lemon, peach, plum, apricot , pineapple, strawberry and other sugary less, you can choose from, but not too much consumption. Diabetes is best to eat fruit before and two hours after eating fruit measuring blood sugar or glucose, a clear understanding of what they could eat this fruit, and whether excessive bag factory consumption, which monitor their diet is helpful.

