
Summer meat too much will make you feel even hotter

Nutrition studies have long told us that more meat and other protein-rich foods, it will certainly make people feel warm. This is the "thermic effect of food" or "food specific dynamic action": eating the body will consume additional energy, which comes out through the surface, people feel the body heat. People have experience: before eating a bit cold in winter, a warm meal will feel many.
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Different ingredients, the effect of heat production after eating is also different. Eat protein-rich foods, particularly severe fever will feel after a meal. While eating starchy or vegetables, the effect is much more backward. This is because 30% of the energy contained in the protein becomes heat emanating from the body surface, while carbohydrates contained only 5 to 6% of energy as heat loss, fat is 4-5%. The protein content of meat is 15% to 20%, eggs 13%, South tofu is 6%, and 1.5% cabbage, tomato was 0.9%, melon was 0.4%. In addition, there are some dilation of blood vessels, promote blood circulation irritating substances, but also make temporary increase in the body's heat, such as alcohol, ginger, pepper, and a variety of spices and so on. Here you can come to a conclusion: If dietary protein intake, fish, meat, eggs, eat more, hot summer will feel more uncomfortable. The low protein content of fruits and vegetables, more conducive to feel fresh. However, this can not be said that the summer, do not eat meat. If the long-term do not eat meat, it will lead to malnutrition, people will often feel weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, decreased resistance, the ability to regulate body temperature will fall. Recommended to eat two two weekdays meat, while hot days, when the best and just eat a two meat. Meanwhile, in the dry heat of the northern region, does not require a lot of sweat moisture resistance, eat chili spices like it will be hotter, so food seasoning or as light as well. The humid south, you can eat properly spicy dehumidification antipyretic. Overall, the summer in order to improve the heat resistance, should avoid excessive amounts of protein foods, but the basic requirements must be guaranteed. Every day half a catty of grain, a two fish or lean meat, 2 two tofu, 1 egg, 1 cup of yogurt, add 1 kg of vegetables, 1 kg of fruit, 60 grams per day for women will be able to meet the protein requirements, men only need to add a little bag factory can reach 65 grams of staple food requirements.

